About Us

Clover Avenue Elementary


Who We Are

The Clover Avenue Elementary School Booster Club is the parent-led, nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to raising critically needed funds to enrich our children’s learning environment at all grade levels.


Our Mission

The Clover Avenue Elementary School Booster Club is the parent volunteer organization that fundraises to help supplement our children’s learning environment of all grade levels at Clover Avenue Elementary School.

• We believe that non-academic subjects such as music, art, and physical education supplement learning.
• We believe that a computer lab and computer instruction are essential for our children’s academic future.
• We believe that every classroom benefits from a teacher’s aide.
• We believe that teachers should not have to pay for classroom supplies from their own pockets.
• We believe that field trips are great educational events.
• We believe that celebrations such as Halloween Hurrah and International Night are an important part of our community.
• We believe that extras such as Science Nights, a robotics program, the Garden Club, and the Run Club are valuable experiences.
• We believe our children’s school should be a beautiful place to go every day.

What We Do

Clover Avenue Booster Club sets its fundraising goals based on these beliefs. Through fundraising and organization, Clover Avenue Elementary Booster Club helps ensure continuity of programs and activities for our school from year to year. We also work with the principal, teachers and staff to help make sure that our students don’t suffer as a result of difficult and complex budget decisions. In fact, we fully fund critical programs such as Art, Music, Computer Lab, Computer Instruction, and Physical Education. We also help fund classroom aides, music and art instruction, field trips, and administrative support such as copiers and paper.

Parent volunteers help run several great events throughout the year, and ongoing efforts such as Math Club or Run Club keep kids engaged throughout the school year. School beautification days help keep the campus looking good and give kids the opportunity to help out.

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